Junk Food

2023 年 2 月 3 日 | DSE English

Junk food is well-known to be unhealthy to children. Write an article, for your school newsletter, proposing three ways to keep students away from junk food on campus.

Junk food is part of fast food culture. It offers convenience by serving quick meals to all walks of life. Owing to the sorts of tasty favor, junk food holds particularly popular among youngsters. However, its high levels of fat, sugar and salt have caused an array of health problems that are plaguing our youth. Typically, the consumption of junk food has been directly linked to the obesity and even heart diseases of most students. It is advisable that schools should block students from access to this kind of food as much as possible. The following are some suggestions.

Perhaps school canteens are the first point to make improvements, especially to what they sell. Students in the school have no choice but accept the items the canteen provides. If all are poor quality snacks such as chocolate, sweets and savory crisps, students will easily take up unhealthy eating habits. Worst still, most of these items are addictive, this will encourage students to eat more and make them further deteriorating in health. You can imagine how terrible the situation becomes when students have their daily intake of junk food solely. So, it is highly recommended that poor quality snacks should be replaced with healthier options. The Education Bureau ought to introduce certain nutritional standards to all schools to regulate the sales of snacks in the school.

To limit what students partake of within schools is not comprehensive enough. Students will go out during the lunch time and probably exposes themselves to the risk of unhealthy eating again. In fact, many surveys have revealed that students more likely go to fast food restaurants like McDonald’s and Burger King. The meals on the menu in these catering places are well-known to be harmful to our health. In addition, some students might simply go to convenience stores to have snacks as their lunch. In order to keep students away from fast food, schools had better restrict students from eating out and work with food supplier to prepare nutritious lunches for students directly. This meaningful control over diet can reduce students’ reliance on ready meals or takeaway food.

The most important step in tackling the problem at its root is to implant the correct concepts into students’ mind. Schools have to conduct some seminars and talks to teach students how to distinguish between healthy and junk food and examine how far the bad consequences of junk food on our body. This assists students in developing the ability to judge what should be taken for health reasons. It cannot be denied that the two arrangements discussed above deprive students of right to choose. However, without the in-depth understanding of bad effects of junk food, schools should not set free students to make their own decisions.

The culture of junk food is originated from western countries and has grown rapidly in our society over the past several decades. Today, the obesity epidemic and other diet-related diseases keep rising throughout the whole European region. This clearly tells us that if we still don’t take action against this fast food takeover, we are doomed to suffer from the same catastrophe. It’s time to stop the consumption of junk food!